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Article: The Secret to a Healthy, Radiant Complexion

The Secret to a Healthy, Radiant Complexion

The Secret to a Healthy, Radiant Complexion

We live in a world that changes by the minute. Technology is resulting in a new reality where yesterday’s inventions are today’s obsolescence. But in all of this mega-flux, some things never change. Like ancient wisdom – passed down the centuries and millennia; unflinchingly weathering the test of time.

Ayurveda! The ancient science of health that is paradoxically finding increasing relevance and resonance in a tech-obsessed world. The many secrets of Ayurveda are being unlocked today for the benefit of humanity. It is said that Ayurveda has the cure for every human condition – known and unknown. Let’s narrow our search today to skin care.

The Transformative Power of Kumkumadi
Kumkumadi Tailam, or Oil, is an ancient Ayurvedic formulation that holds amazing properties and benefits for skin health. The secret lies in its mix of ingredients that includes roots, flowers and fruit. Basically, herbs in nature within which are locked curative properties.

Kumkumadi Oil blends Saffron, Sandalwood, Turmeric, Manjistha, Indian Madder and extracts of Lotus and Rose, along with other herbs. Its benefits to skin are many and varied. At the base of it all, it provides vital moisturisation and nourishment to skin; beyond which it helps reduce dark spots, pigmentation and blemishes, while generally lending a soft and glowing radiance to skin. Its transformative power restores your skin’s true and original aura.

Skin’s Best Friend
Another common issue that Kumkumadi Oil helps alleviate is acne. Its anti-hyperpigmentation properties and melanin-decreasing ability, works at reducing the appearance of scars, blemishes, and dark circles under the eyes. The formulation is also valued for its anti-wrinkle and anti-ageing properties.

Saffron, one of the key ingredients, is a natural UV-absorbing agent. Which helps it repair skin damage arising from exposure to the sun. As a result, some may even choose to use it as a sunscreen.

Some studies have thrown up benefits that go beyond skin care. It may help reduce stress and relieve depression, while possibly having some impact on improved memory and learning capacity. Anti-oxidant and other inherent properties of the oil could have beneficial effects on several other unrelated conditions.

Of course, the key aspect is that the Kumkumadi Oil you are purchasing is of the required quality and formulation. One way to ensure this is to source it from a trusted and honest brand. We Herbal is known for its credibility and authenticity. The brand promises 100% organic and natural formulations with absolutely no usage of artificial chemicals, colours or fragrances. Only essential oils are used, and herbs of superior quality.

We Herbal’s Kumkumadi Oil is indeed a wonder product suitable to anyone – male or female, young or old; it can safely be used on babies as well.

How to use
Kumkumadi Oil is best used just before going to bed. As you sleep, it works its magic through the night to deliver a smooth, radiant glow in the morning. Of course, the key is to use it regularly. Transfer 5-6 drops on to your palm and apply it all over the face until it is absorbed entirely.

Looking forward to welcome a new-look you? Here’s where to get started.

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